You (want) NEED these tools and gadgets in your office!


Iron Age Office creates beautiful desks and workspaces, but nothing turns a handcrafted desk into your personal domain like some really cool gadgets.  Here are our favorite picks of gadgets for your new workspace, and much to our surprise, we found them all in one place!


KOIOS Air purifier

It’s back to school time, and you know what that means? That means all the germs the kids in school contract eventually infect the parents.

When those parents arrive at work sniffling and coughing, your air purifier will protect your Iron Age Cube space and keep your area free from germs, dust, and even the offensive cologne of the coworker beside you.

Buy from Amazon ASAP and keep breathing!


Wireless Qi-certified fast charger with mug warmer/drink cooler

Perhaps the mini-fridge leaves you feeling incomplete because you love to start your day with a hot cup of coffee before you break out the bubbly. If this describes you, then this little gadget may be the answer to your life’s biggest dilemma.

One side charges your cell phone, while the other keeps your coffee hot or your cans cold. No more lukewarm compromises or watered down ice cubes. Your workspace can really be the perfect world!


See more on Amazon


5FOLD adjustable foot hammock

Yes, you read that right. While this isn’t reserved for the ladies, I expect squeals of delight over this discovery currently being sold on Amazon.


A place to rest your feet under the desk helps prevent fatigue, and if you are wearing heels, a hammock works as a sling right between that heel and the ball of your foot without damaging your Jimmy Choos. Nobody will catch you barefoot underneath the desk again. 



Logitech Bluetooth multi-device keyboard K480

That’s right. You can use this keyboard on all of your favorite devices and stop thumbing around. This keyboard works on your computer, cell phone, and tablet. What’s not to love? Buy yours from Amazon.


ThreeH USB Mini Fridge

I don’t make the rules, but it seems that every workplace has a person who considers the break room fridge as a free for all. Gone are the worries about placing your defenseless beverage in the fridge and facing the mystery of whether or not it will still be there come lunchtime.

This mini fridge can plug right into your laptop or PC through the USB outlet, providing an icy cold beverage as soon as you’re ready for it. This gem is also on sale at Amazon.



Yes, all are compatible with Iron Age Office furniture

Your Iron Age Office desk already portrays a sense of distinction to all who enter your office. Extend that sophistication with some great gadgets to show your cutting-edge side, too. If you find yourself with a few too many gadgets, there is no need to trim down your gadgetry collection. Instead, we suggest adding a lovely shelving unit or credenza to expand your surface area and storage capacity. Browse our storage products today and keep living the good life!



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